Equitable Schools Three Strategies to Meet the Needs of Every Student | A T.R.A.I.L. of Conversations

Equitable Schools Three Strategies to Meet the Needs of Every Student

Equitable Schools Three Strategies to Meet the Needs of Every Student

Equitable Schools Three Strategies to Meet the Needs of Every Student

In an attempt to move beyond the pandemic crisis,  it is crucial for schools to make a commitment to ensure every student's needs are met-  regardless of their backgrounds, abilities, or circumstances.

Understanding Educational Equity

Educational equity goes beyond mere equality. While equality aims to provide every student with the same resources and opportunities, equity recognizes that not all students start from the same place or have the same needs. Therefore, equitable strategies are designed to address these differences and level the playing field so all students can reach their full academic and social potential.

1- Culturally Responsive Teaching

One simple step in building equity is to make lessons relevant by using inclusive materials that reflect the demographics of the students in the classroom.  This approach acknowledges and respects the diverse cultural experiences of students. Educators who use this strategy support a welcoming classroom environment where students feel seen and valued.

Culturally responsive teaching includes incorporating diverse perspectives and encouraging students to share their own stories and experiences as they engage with the curriculum.  This student-centered approach helps students from traditionally  marginalized communities while benefitting the entire school community by providing a wide range of perspectives.

2- Differentiated Instruction

Every student has their own unique strengths and learning differences. Differentiated instruction scaffolds the delivery and assessment methods to meet the diverse needs of all students. Teachers use formative assessments and adjust their teaching methods, materials until students reach proficiency in the desired outcomes.

By differentiating instruction, educators can provide additional support to struggling students while challenging advanced learners in the same inclusive environment.  This approach allows for variety and flexibility for both the instructor and the learners.

3- Trauma-Informed Practices

Many students come to school with lived experiences of trauma such as poverty, gun violence abuse, or neglect.  These adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are known to change their brains, impacting their learning and behavior. Trauma-informed practices involve creating a safe and supportive school environment that recognizes and addresses the effects of trauma.

Educators trained in trauma-informed practices understand how to de-escalate a triggered student and use preventative measures through building trusting relationships with all their students.  This approach helps create a more compassionate and inclusive school community that supports the well-being and academic success of all students.

Final Thought

Equitable strategies in schools are essential for ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed.  They foster a sense of belonging and well-being among students, ultimately leading to academic achievement to prepare them for an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

We recognize that these topics can be challenging to address, and we would love to support you in building capacity in your staff around these essential skills necessary for your students to thrive. 

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